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Database Programming Tools



SQL*C++ provides an object oriented programming tool that givesprogrammers OOP features for their existing databases. It allowsprogrammers to incorporate these OOP features into existing applications,on existing relational database structures-- without any modification tothe database. And, the resulting program will run faster and moreefficiently than the original program.SQL*C++ features:A Query Class Easy to use on line declaration for queries that can becompletely controlled by member functions.Column Class Allows a column to be declared once and then manipulatedlike any other C++ type.Memory Resident Query (MRQ) Class Extremely powerful feature that allowsthe results of a query to be stored dynamically in local program memory.Columns can then be updated in memory, eliminating the need for temporarytables. A program can make multiple passes through a set of data,updating it, and then replace it in the databases with an insert.ZAP Query Class An enhanced MRQ class with hash indexes that eliminatesthe overhead from the database software and excessive disk access time.This feature is most significant when complex procedures read and re-readthe same block repeatedly. With SQL*C++ you simply read the subordinatelookup tables once and then use them whenever they are required duringthe procedure. This means many joins can be eliminated, and this conceptmakes SQL*C++ the most powerful development interface for databasesavailable today.File Based Query Class Used for extremely large and complex processeswhere the size of the tables prevent the use of MQRs. The FQUERY classuses binary as its medium making it extremely fast for when multiplepasses through a large table while doing complex calculations. A payrollcalculation process was redesigned using this technique, cutting theexecution time from 4 hours to 11 minutes.Define Relationships SQL*C++ allows the programmer to define higher levelobjects for relationships that appear repeatedly, allowing the new objectto serve as the basis for whole modules. This means that only one versionof the base relationship needs to be supported, and if you need to tune apiece of code, you only have the base object to manipulate.Readable Code SQL*C++ code is extremely readable, and in many cases itresembles the specification document very closely.Easy Access SQL*C++ gives easy access to the database with a simple loginobject. Each login is a one-line declaration and you can declare multiplelogins in the same program. The ability to implement OOP designtechniques using databases in such a seamless fashion is revolutionaryand actually boosts performance of the database rather than justcompensating for resource use.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1

2895 Temple Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
Phone: (310) 424-4399
        (800) 366-6864
Fax: (310) 424-9385